Eredità Borgia, 1733 (copy) - 1832.


Eredità Borgia, 1733 (copy) - 1832.

Three of the buste were examined. None of the buste were numbered. The first one contained 'Eredita' Arezzo' dating from 1822-1832. This is later than any of the Borgia materials in the buste. The Arezzo materials are bound together separately with a string, there are 17 fascicoli or parts most of which are financial records, including a copy of an 1823 "Listinta de posesi.visitati nel 1823 a compimento della S. Visita" from the diocese of Sabina. There is also information in the Arezzo materials on the Abadia di SS. Antonio ed Antimo di Monte Maggiore, the Seminario di Magliano. Antonio Tancredi (esattore) and Antonio Ricca (agent) worked for Arezzo. The remainder of the first busta and the other two busta contained eredita Borgia. Someone has been through this materials preliminarily because some of the materials relating to S. Pietro in Vincoli has been separated out. Many of the materials appear to be executed by Marchese Giacomo Mosti. The materials dealing with Borgia date from a slightly earlier period, though. For example, in the remainder of the busta with the Arezzo materials, a group dealing with S. Pietro in Vincoli dates from 1786-1797. Other Mosti materials here date from 1801-1804. Interesting items include "Questiones ab alumnis missionum collegio S. Pancreatis Solvend ..." The tie between the Arezzo and Borgia materials may be S. Pietro in Vincoli. Both of these men were Cardinal priests of that church. The records in this series do appear to be the records of the Propaganda which were created as they administered the estates of these two men. A copy of the "Censo con Istra. 17 Novbre. 1697 rogato agli atti dalla Seg. al 1770., and a Nota : de: Censi ... Communita di Velletri. The second busta relates to Borgia's benefices: Abbazia S. Pietro in Vincoli in S. Salvatore in Lauro; Abbazia di Santa Maria di Rambona; Diocese of S. Servino; Abbazia di S. Pietro, Diocese of Assisi; Priorato Nullius Fori Pompilii di S. Paterniano in Ferrazzano; and S. Adriano in Campo Vaccino. This busta also contains a grouping of materials marked varia which includes several supplications and biglietti from the Secretary of State, a grouping of Conti di casa Particolarti - Giustificazione (1789-1790) some loose materials at the end. The third busta contains primarily financial records ordered in two groupings (1) Giustificazioni della spese e pagamenti fatti da SS. Pailo Urbinati P. Servizio deli' Emo. Rmo. Sig, Card, Borgia da S.pmo Luglio a tutto S. 31 Decf. 1789 and (2) Giustificazioni della spese e pagamenti fatti da SS. Paolo Urbinate P. Servizio deli' Emo. Rmo. Sig. Card. Borgia da S. pmo Febro a tutto si Giugno 1789.

5 buste.


SNAC Resource ID: 6838414

Bentley Historical Library

Related Entities

There are 15 Entities related to this resource.

Catholic Church. Diocese of Sabina (Italy) (corporateBody)

San Salvatore in Lauro (Church : Rome, Italy) (corporateBody)

Arezzo, Tommaso, 1756-1833 (person)

Abbazia di SS. Antonio ed Antimo (Montemaggiore, Italy) (corporateBody)

San Paerniano in Ferrazzano (Abbey) (corporateBody)

San Paolo Urbinate. (corporateBody)

San Adriano (Church : Rome, Italy) (corporateBody)

Ricca, Antonio (person)

Catholic Church. Legation (Ferrara, Italy) (corporateBody)

Santa Maria (Abbey : Rambona, Italy) (corporateBody)

Seminario di Magliano. (corporateBody)

S. Pietro in Vincoli (Church : Rome, Italy) (corporateBody)

Catholic Church (corporateBody)

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Tancredi, Antonio (person)

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